70, Palace Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560001
All Parents,
Sophia High School,

Dear Parents,

We may kindly request you to contribute a little time of your in updating your child's profile, pickup assistant's and your profile information in the new school automation system called inVarsity.

Step1: To login into the website as parents, use parents mobile number as username and students firstname,lastname and year of birth combined with dot symbol as password. Example: If students firstname, lastname and year of birth are 'Arya','Arjun' and '1999' respectively then password will be 'Arya.Arjun.1999'. To login as Students their username will be in the format of students firstname.lastname.year-of-birth and password will be the same as username.

(Step1 applies to the new admissions only. Existing users, please use your current user name and password.)

Step2. Go to the right hand side of the screen where your name is mentioned and next to your user name can find wards name reflecting.

Step3. Click on your name, in the resulting drop down menu; choose view profile.

Step4. You will see a page showing your Name and other fields left blank. Click on "Edit Profile" button present on the right hand side of the page.

Step5. You may please enter all the information asked in the form and then upload your passport sized photograph.

Step6. When all the information is entered click on the "Save Profile" button.

Step7. Once done with above procedure, click on your name in the resulting drop down menu; choose view profile of your ward's name.

Step8. You will see a page showing Profile, Guardians and Additional Details. Select "Profile", click on "Edit Profile" button, and please enter all the information of your ward's and upload your ward's passport size photograph and click on "Save Profile" button.

Step9. Select "Guardians" you can find the details of parents that are father and mother details, if you want to make any changes click on "Edit Profile" button, once the information is entered click on "Save Profile" button.

Step10. Select "Additional Details", you will see a page showing Bank Account Details, Pickup Assistant and Other Information.

Step11. Select "Bank Account Details", click on "Edit Details" button, and enter the bank information required in the appropriate fields and click on "Save Details" button.

Step12. Select "Pickup Assistant", click on "Edit Details" button, and please enter the information of the pickup assistant required in the appropriate fields and upload passport size photograph of the assistant and click on "Save Details" button.

Note: Ignore this section if your ward has no pick up assistant.

Step13. Select "Other Information", click on "Edit Details" button, and enter the information required in the appropriate fields and click on "Save Details" button.

Step14. Click on the "Sign out" button to log out of inVarsity system.

Any queries please send us an email at